New mothers to undergo breast exams in Egypt to prove they really need baby formula

Welcome to Barbrah Musamba Chama Mumba's Blog

New mothers will have their breasts examined by the Egyptian government to prove they need baby formula in an attempt to save money.

Women will need to prove they cannot breastfeed before being supplied with subsidised manufactured milk.The Egyptian Health Ministry say they supply around $51m in baby formula per year to help families across the country feed their infants.
But following a recent 40 percent increase in formula prices, the ministry said this week that it will tighten the criteria to determine who is eligible.

Women who have more than one child, work full-time and suffer health conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure will be prioritised – and breast-checking procedures will be brought in.

As of Monday, mothers who want subsidised formula for their children will first be forced to undergo a medical examination and obtain written confirmation from a doctor.

Last Thursday, Egyptian mothers protested baby…

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Federal Government Backs Down in North Dakota After Judge Denies Injunction

Diane Ravitch's blog

I went to dinner with friends and when I returned to my computer, I discovered that two things happened in my absence:

1. The blog picked up three new trolls who arrived either to insult me in my living room and/or to inform us that Trump is a great man, not an “unhinged lunatic” (to use Lawrence O’Donnell’s apt phrase.

2. The Justice Department intervened immediately after a federal judge denied a preliminary injunction to stop the construction of the pipeline on Sioux lands.

Ellen Lubic wrote to bring the news:

From VOX…

Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images

“• The Obama administration issued an order late Friday blocking construction work for the Dakota Access Pipeline on federal land (and asking the company building the pipeline to suspend work on nearby land as well). [Reuters / Ruthy Munoz]

• The move follows several weeks of protests over the proposed pipeline, led by the…

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